The AVE Venice

The AVE Venice on Shark Tank

Custom Screen Printing - Season 3 Episode 306 Update
custom screen printing season 3
The Ave Venice Now Custom Prints On
Van's Slip On's

 After watching a few of The Ave Venice video''s on You Tube, I must say I'm impressed with what's now possible to custom screen print on. Nick Romero the owner of  The Ave based out of Venice, California, has taken this industry to a whole new level which you can now custom create just about anything. If you ever want a one-of-a-kind custom pair of tennis shoes for instances, Romero is definitely the man to talk to. Anything you can imagine can be turned into a wearable form of art at his screen printing business.

Nick came into the Shark Tank seeking $125,000.00 for a 15% equity stake in his custom printing business. Because everything is custom made for the customer, this helps keep costs down until the order is placed on a variety of t-shirts, tennis shoes and hats ready to be made into "your" work of art. At the time Romero was in front of the Sharks, he had already done $570k his first year in business generating $150k in profit.

As good of an idea as this is, the Sharks weren't biting as they all decided not to make any offers in The Ave Venice business. Mark Cuban does acknowledge Nick has a unique printing process, but apparently not enough to secure a patent on or be copied from competitors.

The Ave Venice Update

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