Indian River County (Vero Beach), Florida – An incisive 7-question quiz probes kids about their politics under the heading, “What kind of party animal are you?”
They weren't supposed to bring it home, but one kid got away with a copy. Here are the questions, sent to by a concerned parent against Common Core:
“Take this quiz to get a sense of which party, the Republican or the Democrat, is the better fit for you. Remember, you do not have to pick a party – you may remain Independent. You may also change your party.”
Question #1: “I would support a government increase of my taxes if the money were used to pay for expanded health and social programs.”
Question #2: “I think the government should impose stricter limits on access to guns.”
Question #3: “I believe organized prayer should be kept out of schools. Having students pray is a violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”
Question #4: “I would support drilling for oil in a wildlife refuge to help reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.”
Question #5: “I believe that looking out for U.S. interests abroad must come first, even if that means the U.S. takes action without the approval of the United Nations or our allies.”
Question #6: “I believe if you have nothing to hide, theres no reason to worry about government surveillance. It would not bother me if my government listened in on my personal phone calls as long as the surveillance was helping to catch terrorists.”
Question #7: “I believe the government should relax regulations on immigration and find a way for law-abiding illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. legally and pay taxes.”
NOTE: The answer choices for each question are – Agree (one point), Not Sure (two points), Disagree (three points).
According to Jennifer Idlette-Williams, Principal of Storm Grove Middle School, “The survey What Kind of Party Animal Are You?came from page 14 of the Junior Scholastic Magazine, which is a state approved resource for Florida’s mandatory Civics state curriculum.
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