Rangers arrest Judge for falsifying records

Waco – Pct. 7 Justice of the Peace Jean Laster Boone ordered employees to falsify her milage records, according to court papers filed by Texas Rangers.
They charged her with tampering with government documents, and a fellow Judge released her on $2,500 bond following an investigation ordered in June by District Attorney Abel Reyna.
One clerk said the judge ordered her to calculate the maximum number of miles so she could receive the top reimbursement of $360 per month for the use of her personal vehicle.
Asked about her problems by newsmen in the lobby of the McLennan County Courthouse, Judge Boone said, “I will have no comment.”
There have been numerous peccadillos between the judge and members of the Commissioners Court regarding expense vouchers and budget requests.This is a link to a July, 2012, story about overtime records and admitted double-entry bookkeeping: http://downdirtyword.blogspot.com/2012/07/judge-admits-double-entry-books-on.html

 Here is an audio recording of one such discussion:

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