Shark Tank Changes Rules

Shark Tank Show Changes #1 Rule

 It's no secret the number one complaint for getting on the Shark Tank is the 2% equity or 5% royalty fee imposed on ALL contestants whether they get a deal with the Sharks or not. For obvious reasons this has prevented some of the bigger more established businesses from even trying to get on the Show. Well thanks in part (from what I hear) from the Sharks themselves, and the success of the Shark Tank as a whole, the producers are getting rid of this required stipulation. All future Shark Tank contestants no longer will be required to give up equity in their companies unless of course they make a deal with the Sharks.

This is Great News for future contestants but what about the 300+ past entrepreneurs that's already appeared on the Shark Tank Show? Obviously when Mark Burnett the Executive Producer for the Shark Tank first conceived the idea for the Show, taking a small percentage of each business, product or idea in exchange for what amounts to priceless publicity, was part of the over-all business plan to make Shark Tank Financially Successful. If you think about it, it's a great long term strategy that I'm sure has been a great investment for all parties involved. Add this to the Shark Tank's Very Successful Rating's on T.V. which draws lots of competition, and you have a Major Hit that's generating piles of cash.Read More Here-->>>

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