Thin Gloss - April Morris Update

Thin Gloss Shark Tank Update

Weight Loss Thin Gloss
Shark Tank Update
April Morris Appearing on the
Shark Tank Show in Season 1
  If pure inspiration is the secret to success, then April Morris the inventor of Thin Gloss, is one of the most Successful Entrepreneur's ever seen on the Shark Tank. But it would be my luck while searching my Shark Tank Season list's that I would run across two contestants in a row where the product has disappeared and seems to of failed.

The Thin Gloss story seems to of taken a turn unlike any product ever seen on the Shark Tank Show. It made April Morris a success just like She always envisioned, and then She gave it all up.

April Morris and Thin Gloss was featured on the Shark Tank in Season 1 during the last episode 15. She claimed in so many words that Thin Gloss could help lose weight by applying this lip gloss. The Sharks instantly knew this product would never get FDA approval without several very costly independent studies to verify you really could lose weight with April's product. She never came right out and said the Thin Gloss product would help you lose weight, but the picture's clearly implied otherwise which Kevin Harrington pointed out. The short story is April Morris did not get a deal on the Show.Read More Here-->>>

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