Tail Lightz Update

Tail Lightz on Shark Tank

Light-Up Magnetic Stickers - Season 3 Episode 301

Kyle Rainey season 3, episode 301
The Finished Tail Lightz Product
After the Shark Tank Show
 Kyle Rainey is the inventor of the Tail Lightz magnetic stickers made to light your assets up. If you’re seeking a little added attention in that department, then this product is guaranteed to get you noticed. That was at least my impression when Rainey first came into the Shark Tank with two female models and proceeded to show all their assets off.

The Tail Lights Magnetic Stickerswas an inspiration of Kyle's when his young Daughter wanted a pair of light up sneakers that flashes LED lights as you move around. It's a cool invention that I myself bought a pair for one of my kids which always seemed to get a lot of attention. He came into the Shark Tank looking for a $50,000.00 investment in exchange for 50% of the Tail Lightz Business which was a brand new concept at the time.

The lights on set dimmer and the music comes on to create a night life atmosphere as Kyle and his two models start dancing it up and showing off their tail light assets. The first thing you notice (at least I did) was how generic a lot of the Tail Light designs were. A few of the designs almost looked like clip art I have seen before. In fact I would bet on it, but there's a good reason why.

In hind sight we now know that Kyle Rainey is an avid inventor with over 80 inventions he is constantly working on.
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