The Nitro Force

Nitro Force on Shark Tank Update

Portable Home Gym Update from Season 3
Seen on the Shark Tank Season 3
The Titan 1000 Home Gym
W/ 100 Exercises and
1000 Lbs. of weight
  The NitroForce Company sells the popular Titan 1000 developed by Fitness Experts Frank Campitelli & Debrae Barensfeld. With a combined 30 years in the fitness industry they built the lightest and most powerful home gym on the market. With just a single Titan 1000 you have over 100 exercises to choose from using up to 1000 pounds of total resistance.

Frank and Debrae came into the Shark Tank looking for a $250k investment in exchange for 10% equity stake in the Business. At the time of the airing in Season 3, they have only sold 12 home gyms for $1300 and a grand total of $15,600 in sales. In part how Campitelli and Barensfield justify the $2.5 million valuation is the fact they have 90 more home gyms in a warehouse and ready to be sold.

This just might be the greatest home exercise gym in the world, but putting such a high valuation on Nitro Force when its entire sales is what Mark Cuban spends on a night on the town, didn't seem to get any of the Sharks to take a bite at the business. Some folks choose to use the Shark Tank Show just as much as the Shark Tank uses them. I'm not saying this is the case here, but if you wanted to get on the Show and had no interest in making a deal, these numbers would probably do it every single time.

The NitroForce Update

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