Shark Tank Episode 503 - Recap

Shark Tank Season 5 Episode 503 Recap - Oct. 4, 2013

Fairy Tale Wishes Update

The first contestant to appear in Shark tank Episode 503 last night was Debbie Glickman and her line of Therapy Aroma Sprays. Already in production was the monster spray, happy camper, sweet dreams, tooth fairy and the super hero spray's for kids. In case you were not aware, monsters are repelled by bubble gum and other sweet smelling fragrances which all the Sharks agree smell really good.

Currently (at the time of this airing) the Fairy Tale Wishes Sprays cost $2.16 each to produce which seems kind of high, but Glickman insists this product remain 100% USA made which is worth a few more pennies. One bottle of Fairy Tale Wishes retails for $9.99 with sales totaling $5500 so far this year. Mark Cuban and Kevin O'Leary didn't seem very impressed, but Lori Greiner could see the bigger picture and had some excellent advice for Debbie. Barbara Corcoran liked my idea with developing one main Fairy Tale Spray covering a host of insecurities.

Glickman is convinced getting Fairy Tale Sprays in all of Disney's 25,000 Hotel Rooms and would like to partner with them, but hasn't made contact to them to see if they are even interested. I have to admit it was a great plug for the Disney Brand and who knows, it might of been enough to get Disney to call Debbie Glickman.  In the end, the business was just not developed enough to interest any of the Sharks to invest in The Fairy Tale Wishes Therapy Aroma Sprays.

A little side note: The vultures (competition) already are picking away at Debbie's success from going on the Shark Tank and starting to circle big time. As evidenced on Twitter, Debbie is standing her ground and handling it in a professional manner which speaks volumes IMO.

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