Big Chef Shake Tour

Big Chef Shake Coming To A Town Near You

 I'm not sure how I missed this, but just seen on twitter that Big Chef Shake from Shark Tank Season 2 has already started a crowdfunding campaign going on at right now. Big Chef Shake aka Shawn Davis, is raising money to go on the Shrimp Burger Tour and bring the Shrimp Burgers to towns all over the country.

To get this crowdfunding campaign kicked off Shawn first needed to make a video that was looking more like a Infomercial or one of his many appearances on QVC than it did anything else. Fortunately his Daughter shows up and has a completely different and more hip way of getting the Big Chef Shake Tour kicked off in the right direction. She decides they can make a Prince of Bel Air type Rap Video made famous by Will Smith.

No matter what happens with this campaign I would imagine this video is now a "priceless" piece of Art that the Davis Family will always treasure the time spent making it together. Some things in life are much more important than all the money in the world, and I believe this is one of them.

Big Chef Shake Tour

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