The Maryland chapter of BBYO, a Jewish youth and teen community, held a conference of 650 teens from different states in the area this weekend and invited the “Faces of Homelessness” Speakers’ Bureau to present two sessions.  The Speakers’ Bureau presented to about 120-150 youth and received an overwhelmingly positive response.  Issues touched upon include the causes of homelessness, the large number of veterans experiencing homelessness, substance abuse, health care, and LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness.

Congratulations to Rita Williams from Project PLASE & James Crawford Jr. from B’More Housing for All & Healthcare for the Homeless, on a great presentation!
(Photos to follow)

On Friday, March 23rd, St. Francis of Assisi School& the Better World Club held a coffeehouse to raise awareness of social issues in Baltimoreand around the world.  The program included information from service providers from the community, musical entertainment from local performers, and Damien presenting for the “Faces of Homelessness” Speakers’ Bureau.  The event had great turnout and Damien received a very positive response from the audience.  Great job Damien! Stay tuned to our Facebook and Twitter pages to hear about upcoming public events like this one!

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