Please Join us for I AM: A NIGHT OF MONOLOGUES.

I Am: A Night of Monologues will feature a series of impassioned stories, spoken word poetry, and heartfelt anecdotes about the impact of prejudice on our communities and the power of the human spirit to overcome unimaginable odds. Told by local speakers and advocates who have experienced homelessness, I Am challenges us to see beyond conventional stereotypes that pull us apart and to recognize the awe inspiring humanity that lies within every living person.

All Ticket sales will benefit the Faces of Homelessness Speakers' Bureau and the YES Drop In Center. For Tickets, contact Vanessa Borotz: OR purchase tickets online by clicking here:

"Faces of Tattoos"

The past few years I have noticed that there really isn't a negative stereotype surrounding tattoos anymore. Everyone has them and everyone has there own reason, some just get them just because, some get them to remember a moment or place in time, and some get them to remember a person.  
Jaime Kirk an administrative assistant at Kaiser Permanente dental lab in Portland, Oregon
His "pirate crew tattoo" is for simply his love of pirates.  

Hani Jama, a student at PCC and her tattoo of her favorite childhood cartoon "My Neighbor Totoro",
 created by Studio Ghibli

Len Wilson a Dental Technician at Kaiser Permanente, this is his "guardian angel".
He actually covered up his old tattoo of an "angel of death". 

Caedra Spears a full-time nanny and her tattoo of a northwest forests. she simply enjoys the outdoors.
Joey Taylor a tattoo artist at Sacred Art, his favorite tattoo being the "ace of spades" on his left arm. He always has an ace up his sleeve. 

Aubergine nose something you don't

The Friendly Eggplant