The Faces of Homelessness Speakers Bureau is growing rapidly! We are very excited to see such interest in ending homelessness in Baltimore. To better work with our speakers, Vanessa from Healthcare for the Homeless and Joanna from Beans & Bread Center have organized large group Speaker Trainings to help individuals learn to share their stories.

Joanna from Beans & Bread Center files the following report about those trainings:

On January 18th & February 8th Scott Gottbreht, a Johns Hopkins Instructor came to the Speakers’ Bureau and conducted public speaking training “the Zen of Speaking” with us.  Scott gave us a ton of great tips from how to go about the beginning stages of writing your speech to the delivery, and handling Q&As.  Scott also facilitated a great practice session with a public speaking exercise.    
On February 15th we discussed handling Question & Answer sessions and read a little about how to handle some of the more difficult questions.  The group dynamic and our very helpful visitors from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health were a great addition to this discussion. 
In the future we’re looking at putting on mock debates, conflict resolution trainings, and fear/anxiety of public speaking trainings.

Any ideas for trainers or topics? 
Please feel free to share with us!

Housing the 4,000 Homeless in Baltimore

You are bound to encounter one of the 5,000 plus homeless people on any walk through Baltimore.  You can’t help but notice the alarming number of empty vacant homes. Many of the 5,000+ already live in these “bandominiums” with no electricity or running water. Could you do   that?
Hope is a key ingredient in overcoming homelessness. I propose a HOPE BUILD. This project would empower, educate and house many of the 5,000+. It would reduce the number of homeless and vacants here. Many have done similar projects but not on this scale.

PHASE ONE is to get the vacant properties donated for this massive rehabbing project. It could be modeled somewhat like Habitat for Humanity on a grander scale.

PHASE TWO is to get an army of volunteers and supporters to help teach the 5,000+ hands on rehabbing skills.

PHASE THREE is to get legal temporary encampment of safe build sites by the homeless working on that site if they choose.

PHASE FOUR - rehab/construction process.

FINAL PHASE HOME SWEET HOME FOR THE 5,OOO+.  Let those who participate in program live there.

Not in my neighborhood! Wake up. They are already there even if you can’t see them. Money lost by vacant property owners. Possibly getting the wealthiest 1% of cty dwellers to buy and donate them.

Reduced homelessness, Less vacants, Education,. Job Skills, empowerment, homes, hope
Come on Baltimore! We can and should do this! 

By: Bonnie Lane




What I would give to have a home of my own
with a picket fence!
I am tired of sleeping on this park bench!
What I would give to be able to buy new clothes!
I am tired of these used rags
and shoes walking out of their soles!
What I would give to be treated like
everyone else!
Instead of laughed at or ignored
as a bum or a wreck!
I would give everything I am
just to have enough!
I am not greedy
I don't need it all
just to have enough to live comfortably.
What I would give not to eat my meals in a soup kitchen!
but to prepare my own feast!
What would I give for all these things?
I would give everything I am.
I am not greedy.
I don't need it all
Just enough to live comfortably.